Courses conducted in Department: Undergraduate course MBBS
Post Graduate course MS in General Surgery
Activities Organized by Department:
1. Conference of UP Chapter, of Association of Surgeons of India, in 1983.
2. Conference of UP Chapter, of Association of Surgeons of India, in 1993.
3. CME & Workshop on Gastro Intestinal Surgery, Lap GI – 2009.
Research :
1. Study of Factors in causing intestinal anastomotic leak, and their predictive value.
2. Ultrasound Guided, Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology of Intra Abdominal Lumps and Percutaneous Drainage of Intra abdominal Abcess and Cysts.
3. Intra Operative Gloves Perforation in Single vs Double Gloves Barrier efficiency in Operative Procedures.
. Study of Necrotising Fascitis with special reference to Laboratory Risk Factors and Wound Management.
Teachers of Department:
1. Prof Rakesh saxena. MS, MCh Professor(contract )
2. Dr. Yogesh Kumar. MS Associate Professor
3. DrU.C. Singh,MS Professor
4. Dr. Ashok Kumar MS Assistant Prof
5. Dr. Priyanka Rai MS Lecturer
6.Dr.Anand Jaiswal MS Assistant Professor
7.Dr.Neeraj k.Naithani M.CH Lecturer (contract)
8.Dr.Renu Kushwaha M.CH Lecturer
9. Dr.O.P.Singh M.S. Lecturer (contract)
10 Dr.M.Q.Siddaqui M.S. Lecturer
Honours / Awards to Department:
1. Dr. K. S. Bhargava-
-Commonwealth Medical Fellowship for Training in Urology, England. Feb 1969 to
April 1970.
-President, Assosiation of Surgeons of India, UP Chapter. 1985-86.
-Publication of book “Shalya Chikitsa ke Sidhant” in Hindi. 1997
-“Shalya Chikitsa ke Sidhant” in Hindi, book got first prize, from Ministry of Health
and Family Welfare, Govt of India, in year 1999.
2. Dr. Rajiv Bhargava-
-Vice Chancellors medal for best student from VC of Agra University
-Dr. Sharda Prasad Srivastava Gold Medal. 1971
-Dr. G. B. Rawat memorial Gold Medal.1971
-Dr. Bukle Gold Medal. 1971
-Dr. Wazir Singh Sarin Silver Medal. 1971
-Silver Medal for General Profeciency, from Agra Medical College. 1971
-Certificate of Honour in Surgery. 1971
A Plastic Surgery and Burn Unit ,along with post of Plastic Surgeon was established by Govt. of U.P. at B.R.D.Medical College ,Gorakhpur , in year 1975. In year 1977, Dr.Q.A.Sayeed M.S.( Gen.Surg.) was posted as Plastic Surgeon, through Provincial Medical and Health Services U.P.
Later on, in the year 1984-85, the post of Plastic Surgeon was converted into Teaching Post , as Lecturer in Plastic Surgery and Burn Unit ,attached to the Department of Surgery, B.R.D.Medical College Gorakhpur.Dr.V.N.S.Yadava M.S. ( Gen.Surg. ) ; M.S. ( Plastic Surg. ) joined as Lecturer on 1st.March 1986,on this post as first incumbment.
The Unit has 20 Beds, 12 beds for Plastic Surgery patients and 8 beds for the care of Burn patients in Nehru Hospital.
Dr. Yadava was promoted to the post of Assistant Professor on 20.08.1986,further he was elevated to the post of Associate Professor on 12.03.1999.
Before his retirement on 31st July 2006, he looked after the work of Head of Department of Surgery from 1st June 2006to 31st July 2006.
Again , he joined the faculty ,on contractual appointment as Associate Professor in the department on24.08.2006 and worked till 09.06.2010 on this post.
On 10th June 2010 , he was appointed as Professor of Surgery , and remained on this post till the attaining the age of 65 year, on 31st July 2011.
Dr. Yadava was Supervisor (20 PGs) and Co-Superviser (36 PGs) for M.S./M.D. candidates, in the department of surgery and other departments for Thesis , research work.
He has 33 publications to his credit in National and International Journals. He actively participated in International (2) and National Conferences (85).
Dr. Neeraj Nathani M.S. (gen.Surg.) M.Ch. (Plastic Surg.) took over the charge of Plastic Surgery and Burn Unit in the Month of November 2006,as Lecturer, on contractual appointment and is working till date.